Recently we discussed the importance of dog control and obedience, and how they influence everything else in the dog’s life. Dogtra has a saying, “Control = Freedom” and that is so true.  Without control, your dog will end up with a lifetime of being stuck in your home and yard.  Believe it or not, your home and yard is nothing but a kennel in your dog’s eyes. Home and yard gets real boring.  Think- how would you liked it if you had to stay at home and not leave your yard your entire life, except to go to the doctor?   Many dogs’ lives are like that and it’s really sad.

Frequently, behavior such as jumping, hyperactivity, barking, digging, chewing is due to boredom or lack of exercise.  There are two ways to tire a dog out; exercise and training.  Take a hyperactive dog, teach it to place on a place board for 30 minutes and that will be a tired dog.  Train with your dog, challenge them and you will have a tired dog. We regularly hear from the dog parents whose dogs train at our facility that their dog was incredibly tired following a day of training.

Control and manners allow you to take your dog anywhere.  Dogs are pack animals- they want to be with the family, not left alone at home.  Control means taking a walk to the ice cream store and enjoying a tasty treat while your dogs lay calmly beside you, ignoring the distractions of other families.


Control and manners allow your Veterinarian visit to be smooth and stress free.

Control means taking your dog hiking, camping or kayaking and knowing they are not going to chase or run off.



Control allows your children to walk the dogs.

Control means freedom for your dog.  Taking your dog with you and allowing them to take in new experiences will tire them out.   It’s better than that old kennel home they live at. When you walk your dog, take alternate routes so the dog gets to see different things and take in different odors. Control is giving your dog a happy, harmonious life.

Control allows you to go to a park and toss a disc for your dog.  Control allows you to take your dog to coffee or lunch.

When I see dogs riding in the family car I smile because I know that dog is enjoying life. I smile when I see people interacting and having fun with their dogs. A dog’s life can be awesome, but the foundation work needs to be done first.  Having control of your dog means a lot of freedom for dog and owners alike, letting you love both the dog and the dog’s behavior. Our system can help you find that balance- email us today to learn more!

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