
Happy Holidays! It’s December 23, 2016 and I am so thankful for all that I have. I am thankful for my career in dog training, my family, health, and friends. I am looking forward to the New Year and what is in store for us. I am thankful for all the dogs we were blessed to train this year. It brings me so much joy helping dogs and their owners. It is pretty cool to see the progress these dogs make with their rehabilitation. I am very proud of my employees because they are committed in the work we do with these dogs. They are not just here for a paycheck. They are invested in our goals and mission in helping every dog that comes into our training facility.

As we grow, we try different ways to help our brand and build our reputation. We are planning on installing an above-ground pool this summer for dogs to cool off and to offer swim lessons for the ones that need a little help. My dogs love the water and I know the pool will be another perk for them to come to work with Dad. Our staff is excited for this new option for our daycare dogs too!

Another idea we are kicking around is hiring some videographers to follow us around for a day. Wouldn’t it be neat to have a television show of our daily routine at Adams K-9? The idea is a dog training/reality show where people can get to know us and see the tricks we use in our dog training activities. Our primary purpose is to help pets but we also offer diabetes alert dog training, a limited service dog program and working dog training. Since I am a retired police canine trainer, I also do a little consulting as well. Our doggie day care is a unique program where we tire dogs out in play but also enforce basic manners like no jumping, quiet on command and working for treats. Our daycare dogs also have mandatory down time so they get a little nap in between play sessions as along with learning not be reactive when strange dogs approach. Our boarding is also unique because all our boarders get free outdoor time. They have a huge yard to sniff, chase or just sun themselves. I believe we have a lot to offer and my whole staff is ready to have some cameras following them around for a day. We like to try new things to keep us engaged and motivated.

Every year we have an employee Christmas dinner and it’s fun to just sit, enjoy some good food and talk about our lives rather than work related topics. Grace has been with me since I opened and is an artist attending Kendall. I am so proud of her talents and she is a huge dog lover. She is excellent with the dogs. Doug a retired fire fighter with three dogs and we love them all. Yes, our employees get to bring their dogs to work- how cool is that? Christy works in the office and also takes care of kennel and daycare dogs. She does an excellent job on the phone, as she is so personable and happy. She’s a pleasure to work with. Our newest hire is Allison and she works in the kennel, daycare, and helps our customers out. Allison is still in high school and dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. She has a German shepherd named Ragnar.

We are all dog owners and love our dogs with all their cute little behaviors. My dog Bracha has low blood sugar if she isn’t fed on time. She is my demo dog and literally cannot focus if she does not eat at 5pm. So If I have a demo with her at 6, I better not make her wait to eat. She’s a diva and thinks she is management at our training facility. Bracha loves her office time and believes she doesn’t belong in the training room with the other dogs… even though that is usually where she can be found. Bracha also prefers riding in a car seat rather than a crate. She is Daddy’s little girl.

So, as the holidays come and go, make sure you take care of your dogs. Watch out for foods they shouldn’t have and avoid situations that may make them nervous. Some dogs don’t like chaos; during the holiday season having the whole family and relatives over can seem chaotic to a dog. They may just want to go to their crate or a quiet place and that’s okay. We always buy our dogs Christmas presents. Even though to a dog it’s just another day, we want to give to our dogs too. They are part of the family. I know for a fact my dogs are getting two new beds for Christmas because I saw them in the basement last night. Mrs. Claus must have been doing some last minute shopping.

As our schedules get busy in the holiday season, let’s not forget the needs of our dogs. They do best with routine so try to exercise them regularly. If you are traveling, remember to pack their food and necessary supplies. If your dog doesn’t come very well, especially when distracted, bring a long line for when your dog is outdoors. Long lines help with control and prevent the dog from running away while still letting them have some freedom. Training is the best thing you can do to prepare for chaos. Train with distractions throughout the year so when chaos arrives your dog will be able to focus and listen. It’s the little things we do throughout the year that will help us have a well-behaved dog during this busy time.

Happy Holidays and New Year from our Staff at Adams K-9 LLC!

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