Feeling Blessed

There are times I am not sure what to write about, and when ideas finally come to me I have to dictate them on my phone. It’s weird, but it seems I do my best thinking when I’m driving in the car. I am all by myself, no one to talk to but me, myself, and I.

The other day, while I was off fetching supplies for Adams K-9, I was thinking how blessed I am. I believe everyone has a God-given talent, and we all are here for a reason. I really didn’t know what that reason was for me until I was in my 30’s.

Growing up, I didn’t have any real talent with animals. I was raised to love and care for animals, but I was never in 4-H or any training classes to speak of. I dreamed of becoming an actor in high school. Yes, I was in musicals and plays, and my family background is the arts.

The closest I ever came to becoming a professional actor was a part in a Meijer Commercial in the early 80’s. Instead, I served, bartended, and ended up finding my calling after I was married and had a child. It was time to grow up and find a big boy job, and that was in policing.

With only a two-year degree and the Police Academy under my belt, I had a decent paying job with benefits. Two years after landing my police job, I ended up in the Police Canine Services and that is where I excelled. Working with dogs was my gift.

I believe dog trainers, at least the good ones, are artists. The way they work with dogs… the best trainers make it look easy. Dog training was my calling.

Twenty-five years later, I retired and opened Adams K-9. I find so much satisfaction helping people with their dogs. I am blessed in so many ways. My staff is talented and passionate. We are able to provide exceptional service because of our unparalleled training programs. I believe we continue to grow because we are the sum of all these elements working in harmony.

I am blessed in my personal life as well. I have 5 wonderful kids that all have their own special God-given talents as well. They are good, caring people. My dogs are always there for me when I want to train, play or relax. They are comforting in bad times, and in good.

I also have friends that I can share and laugh with, and who provide support when it’s needed. I have role models in my life that are always there for me when I have questions about business, dogs, and life in general. I live a clean life and love physical exercise.

I am healthy and I have been so blessed.

I care about people who are struggling in life and do what I can to help. Some are just one paycheck away from being homeless. I recall coming into contact with the homeless countless times as a police officer, often buying them dinner or paying for a hotel room for the night. If I did something as little as giving someone a ride to the homeless shelter, those people were always thankful for my help. No matter how small it seemed to me, it was huge for them.

This is who I am. I am blessed, I love what I do and you can see it in the dogs we train.

If you are in West Michigan, we would love to work with you, and your dog too. If your dog Is experiencing training or behavioral issues, contact our team at Adams K-9 Dog Training and Kennel and come see how we can help.

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Adams K-9

6363 56th Ave.
Hudsonville, MI 49426

Email: admin@Adamsk-9.com
Phone: (616) 209-5501

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