Three Things For an Awesome Dog

Everyone wants a well behaved, obedient dog. All it takes are three steps.

One of which is easy.

  1. Hire Adams K-9 to train your dog
  2. Follow our instructions
  3. Put some effort into it

We have 10 and 14-day training programs and after the initial training, the dog will be doing quite well. People are often amazed after only the first week. Then, after we have a lesson with the owners, they get a packet with reading material. I think people rarely bother to read the packet, even though we go over it with them.

One of the items in the packet is a list of training tips for transitioning at home. Simple things like keeping a long line on the dog when outdoors, and until you are confident in your ability to control your dog. Also, using a leash indoors if the dog is struggling.

Another item in the packet is some information on dog psychology, which some people struggle with. Your emotions can hinder your dog’s progress. The dog is not a baby, it’s an animal and they don’t respect soft loving owners. They like them to be soft and loving, but guess who’s in charge then?

The dog.

So, our instructions are not difficult. We are balanced trainers who are experts in the use of remote collars. The dogs need to wear the collar because they respect the collar. If they respected the owner, you wouldn’t need the collar.

My dog is remote collar trained and 99% of the time, she doesn’t wear any collar. But, that’s because she is trained and she respects me. My dog is 9 years old and I still train with her.

Our most common question is – how long does the dog need to wear the remote collar, and at what point will I no longer need to work with my dog?

There is the respect question again.

It all depends on the owner. Dog training continues throughout the life of the dog. Dogs are like children – you will always need to stick to your guns and be persistent in following rules like Stay off the Furniture, No Jumping, Quiet (stop barking), No Leash Pulling, Come when Called, and so on.

Our instructions for the dog’s owner are – use the remote collar. Tap when giving commands, use it to interrupt behavior, be consistent/persistent, and reward when the dog does it correctly.

Lastly, you have to put some effort into it, which means working with your dog at home. Attend the group polishing classes (which are included with your training) and ask for help as you progress.

There are two types of dog owners. Those that drink the “koolaid” will have dogs that are off-leash reliable. Their dogs have manners and are obedient. Even though the sign on our door says “All dogs must be on leash,” we have customers who show up all the time asking to borrow a leash because they forgot theirs.

The cool thing is, they forgot their leash because they don’t need it anymore. I love it when someone asks to borrow a leash.

The other owner doesn’t want to use the remote collar, does not come to group class, and is just too busy to do any training at their home. These are the same owners that call us 10 months after our initial training because the dog bit the delivery person. They are struggling and asking for help.

The first thing I ask, and I already know the answer, is – how many group classes did you attend? The answer is always “we were too busy.” If you want your dog to be awesome and under control but don’t want to put in any effort, well folks, it just doesn’t work that way.

If you want an awesome dog, can follow instructions, and are willing to put in the effort, we would love to hear from you. If not I suggest contacting another trainer. It is frustrating for us to put the energy into a dog that we know can be awesome but their owners don’t want the commitment required to reach that goal.

If you want to have an awesome dog, please contact the West Michigan dog training team at Adams K-9 Dog Training and Kennel and we’ll make it happen.

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Adams K-9

6363 56th Ave.
Hudsonville, MI 49426

Phone: (616) 209-5501

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