COVID-19 and Dogs

I figured since everyone else to chiming in on the COVID-19 (Corona Virus) it was time for Adams K-9 to get some factual information out there rather than depending on the media. Their headlines are only meant to get you to stop and click their article.

The information in this blog is based on research gathered from the following organizations.

This information is to affirm that dogs cannot transfer this disease (COVID-19) to people, and dogs cannot become sick from the coronavirus; fever, sore throat, breathing difficulties. There is no evidence that supports preventing the movement or sale of such companion animals.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), no animals in the United States have been identified with the virus and there is no evidence that dogs or other pets can contract or spread the virus.

There have been some media reports that a dog tested positive for coronavirus in Hong Kong. However, the dog never showed any signs of sickness. Now, it’s been reported that the dog was returned home with a free bill of health, but now has died.

A blood test was done after an initial low positive swab of the dog’s nostrils. The blood test confirmed there were no anti-bodies for COVID-19, which is a negative test result for the virus. The officials believe the first test registered a false positive due to cross-contamination, environmental contamination, or issues with the test itself.

The dog was 17 years old and most likely died of natural causes. It does not appear that a necropsy was done (autopsy for dogs), so there is no evidence for the dog’s cause of death.

According to the American Veterinarian Medical Association, there is no evidence humans can get the coronavirus from snuggling with a dog.

Adams K-9 has seen no flu-like symptoms from any of the dogs in our facility over the past 12 months. We have a boarding, daycare and training facility. As with people, we instruct our customers that if they have a sick dog with symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, fever or are lethargic they cannot bring their dogs to our facility.

They need to have the dog evaluated by their veterinarian. A clean bill of health is required for their dog to return to our facility.

I hope this helps relieve any anxiety some of you may have. My staff all bring their dogs to work and love the opportunity to play and work with your dogs to help them become a good K-9 Citizens.

We are also taking additional precautions for our human guests in wiping down our facility with disinfectant wipes twice daily.

As for humans, the CDC states the best precautions we can take is to wash our hands frequently and not touch our faces. The recommended social distance is 6 feet as well, and we have been instructed to avoid any gatherings.

This like all things will pass.

In the meantime, get outside with your dogs! Go for walks and enjoy the wonderful parks in your area. There are a lot of things we can all do outside if we practice social distancing so use this time to connect with your fur babies.

Adams K9 provides boarding and daycare along with training to bring the best out in your fur babies. Visit our Train page to review the different programs we offer. Please contact the Adams K-9 team if you would like any additional info about training or boarding.

If you need help with your dog, our training programs can help you Love your dog, Love your dog’s behavior.

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Adams K-9

6363 56th Ave.
Hudsonville, MI 49426

Phone: (616) 209-5501

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