Don’t Feel Sorry For the Dog

Don’t Feel Sorry For the Dog

Don't Feel Sorry For the Dog We see a variety of dogs at our training center. We have happy dogs, hyper dogs, scared dogs, nervous dogs, reactive dogs, calm dogs, confident dogs, submissive dogs, aggressive dogs, and the list goes on. We also have dogs that come in...
Got a Reactive Dog? It all Comes Down to Management.

Got a Reactive Dog? It all Comes Down to Management.

Got a Reactive Dog? It all Comes Down to Management. I was at a West Michigan pet store the other day and overheard the cashier asking a customer why they never bring their dog to the store.  The couple said, “He isn’t good with other dogs, in fact, he probably...

How to Stop a Dog Fight

No one likes a dogfight. 99% of the time it’s really just a dog “argument”. However, the argument can sound extremely violent and terrifying. At one time, I owned 5 dogs. Some were pets and some were working dogs. Three were outdoor dogs, and two were indoor dogs. We...

Two Issues, Same Problem

I was at a local Chow Hound store for an Ask the Trainer event and ran into a client I had worked with a while ago. We had a long discussion, and she stated that she was thrilled with how well her dog was doing. I love hearing feedback from pet parents. The most...